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Showing posts from July, 2016

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

A lot of people have been asking me about my health situation and the medical stuff they've been testing me for. I haven't said much before now because I'm just now finally fully understanding it for myself. This is the long version of how I found out I have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. I've been slowly gaining weight for a few years now. Nothing big, five pounds here five pounds there. It wasn't until 2013/2014 when my weight skyrocketed. I gained 20 pounds. Throughout 2015 I gained 20 more pounds and knew this was out of control and I needed to get healthy again. My 2016 new years resolution was to lose the extra 40 pounds I've gained, get back to my normal weight, start hitting the gym and getting toned, and just be the healthiest me I could be.  So came January 2016 and I cut out all the junk food, fast food and all meats. I went vegetarian for one month so that my body wouldn't associate chicken with fast food anymore. When I did start eating meat again...