It has been exactly 8 months since the last time I posted a journal entry. I don't think many people have missed me too much... Today I want to talk about Amazon favorites. Everyone's got them! I'm going to be more focused on baby related items but maybe one day I'll post an all-around Amazon favorites entry, but today let's talk baby. My very first pick for this list is the Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces. There is so much back and forth with folks on whether or not these necklaces work. I've done my fair share research on them and have heard that our body doesn't create enough heat in order for the necklaces to release their oils etc. etc. But I took to talking with my friends any way and wanted to see what they thought about them. A majority of them claimed they helped their little ones while teething. So one of my great friends recommended this specific necklace because it comes with a teether and she loved it so much she ordered it twice. I went a...
Surviving life with twin girls. Learn with me the tips and tricks of keeping it all together when it feels like it is all falling apart. During our adventure we'll explore Crafts, New Recipes, Life as a Working Mom, and of course the trial and errors with the twins.