Well it's been a hot minute since I've written a post. I want to get back to my Wedding Bliss Blog but I feel like I have to show what we've been up to within the last month.
We had a BBQ at our place for the 4th of July. Fireworks are one of my favorite things, so we cooked out and then caught the shuttle to rib fest to watch their 30 minute firework display.

We had a BBQ at our place for the 4th of July. Fireworks are one of my favorite things, so we cooked out and then caught the shuttle to rib fest to watch their 30 minute firework display.
This is where life got a little crazy. A few days later we ended up with no hot water for a week. Our hot water heater finally kicked the bucket after 12 years. I quickly became friends again with the gym, working out and then taking hot showers there. The day we were supposed to get a new hot water heater the guy came, installed the new one but couldn't get it to stop leaking...So what's he do? Shuts off the water. So now not only do we not have hot water, we have NO water. Made for an interesting night/day. The following day they came back (late mind you) and got everything hooked up the way it should be. Our water is so hot now it's boils your skin. We've already turned it down so much but it's still really hot. So if you ever shower at my house only turn the dial 1/4 you'll be plenty warm and there's hot water for everyone.
A week later my family went on vacation. Eric and I stayed behind to watch the house and pets. Long story short, my family came home without the Chevy Traverse. The motor had died in the middle of nowhere Arkansas. There was nothing to be done for it right then so my family had to continue home in a rental. At this moment it is still in Arkansas awaiting it's new motor which GM has to build from scratch. God was with my family during this time, always watching out for them, making sure they were safe as they dealt with this issue. GM is paying more than half to replace the motor. Still waiting to hear when it's to be finished. Luckily we're blessed with 7 cars even though there's only 6 people in our family and Dad is able to drive the extra car while they work on his...
A few days after they get back home though the pipe in the toilet upstairs busts and there is water everywhere! It completely soaked the bathroom upstairs, bedroom it's off of, plus the bedroom walk in closet. Downstairs is a complete mess. The entire two bathrooms, laundry room, hallways and a little bit of the den downstairs were totally soaked. We had a company come out who tore open our walls and left humidifiers and fans to let everything dry out. The good news is we didn't have any mold. Which had been a concern because our basement has flooded before. Once because of our sump pump and one other time because of the washer. So luckily no mold but we walked a maze of fans and cords for another week. Company came back, said we were all dry, took away the fans and now we're just waiting for the insurance company to pay us so we can get rolling on rebuilding our walls, painting and putting in new carpet. It's going to be great when it's done, it's just getting there that's the hard part. At this current moment we do not have walls on the side walls two feet down. So I can sit in my bathroom and see out into the den. It's interesting but we make it work... Funny thing is, the day the pipe busted was the say we were scheduled to get our new porch put in. We had to reschedule and they came this past week. It looks amazing. Below is what our house currently looks like. It's a mess, but once we get the insurance ok we'll get started on making it look good again. I was so mad too because I had just finished painting the bathroom downstairs not too long ago and now it's completely unusable.

But the porch looks great. I'd like to get some furniture soon.
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