I really should have made a video but I didn't have time and I really wanted to get this up before Christmas is too far over.
I'm going to be making four Christmas jars filled with goodies to give out as little gifts with Christmas cards. I'll be making the Grinch, Santa, Rudolph, and Frosty. This is not my original idea, I found this online.
Supplies Needed:
For Grinch:
For Frosty:
For Rudolph:
I'm going to be making four Christmas jars filled with goodies to give out as little gifts with Christmas cards. I'll be making the Grinch, Santa, Rudolph, and Frosty. This is not my original idea, I found this online.
Supplies Needed:

- Jelly jars (8oz) in the quantity of your desire
- Something to fill the jar with. I used eatable items for each.
- Hot glue gun
- Craft Belt Buckle
- Black Ribbon
- Red & White Mints
- Fill jar with the red & white mints.
- Cut a black ribbon the width of the jar and then thread on a craft belt buckle.
- I found the belt buckles at Hobby Lobby.
- Hot glue the ribbons with the buckle around the middle of the jar.
For Grinch:
- Small Red Heart
- Red Ribbon
- Green Andy's Mints
- Fill the jar with the Andy's Mints. I got mine at the Dollar Tree so one bag of mints fit into one mason jar.
- Tie a festive ribbon around the top of the mason jar, glue it in place.
- Hot glue the heart button to the right side of the jar (right from where the tie of the ribbons ends up).
For Frosty:
- Large Red Craft Pom-Poms
- Red Pipe cleaner
- Black Buttons
- White Popcorn
- Fill the jar with white popcorn.
- Fold the pipe cleaner in half and hot glue each end to one of the sides of the jar.
- Hot glue the red pom-poms to each end of the glued-on pipe cleaner.
- Glue two large black buttons in the front and center of the jar.
For Rudolph:

- Brown Pipe cleaners
- Wiggle Eyes
- Red Pom-Poms
- Pretzels
- Fill the jar with pretzels.
- Use one pipe cleaner to circle around the top of the jar.
- Use two other pipe cleaners to form the shape of antlers. Attach each antler to the side of the jar by bending around the circled pipe cleaner. Use hot glue to get the antlers to stay put.
- Glue on the eyes and red pom-pom for the nose.
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