What’s in my hospital bag? (First Time Mom) I’m currently 35 + 6 weeks with my twins and finally nailed down all the things for my hospital bag. Since I’m a first time mom I’m not sure if I over-packed or under-packed but I guess only time will tell at this point. My mom laughs at me, she says “when I had babies, we didn’t bring anything… I went to the hospital, wore whatever they gave me and then your dad just brought me clothes to go home in.” Oh how the times have changed mom! I thought it would just be fun to share what I have and you guys can let me know if I’m missing something or you know of something that worked great for you. Here we go! This is my hospital bag all put together. The opening of my bag. I have depends - I'm not sure how much I'll bleed afterward but I figured I don't want to ruin my own undies if I didn't have to. I know that the hospital provides mesh throw away underwear but I figured I'll have a few options this way. ...
Surviving life with twin girls. Learn with me the tips and tricks of keeping it all together when it feels like it is all falling apart. During our adventure we'll explore Crafts, New Recipes, Life as a Working Mom, and of course the trial and errors with the twins.