I have am in-home nurse. Just kidding!!
My favorite part of being married is that I have my best friend with me all the time. I literally get to have a slumber party with said best friend every night. I really truly don't know what I would do without him. He's been taking such good care of me since my mishap with my legs. If that's not love, I'm not sure what it.
After the three year mark what is the hardest thing you two have endured together?
This is such a hard question because we've been through so much. We've had many deaths and funerals to have to process through, surgeries, money issues for all the medical bills, health issues, job loss, parents health issues, etc. but the hardest road for me to walk was the infertility. I'm slowly starting to gain the courage and open up about our story but that was really a dark time for me. It honestly was hard for us as a couple to realize that we needed to make the decision that it was okay that it was just going to be us two for the rest of our lives. It was then when we finally made the decision to be happy and excited about "just us" that God blessed us with our double miracle.
Do you believe in the three year itch?
I believe the "itch" can happen at any time if you let it. People can stop going out of their to compliment their partners, their partners quirks and habits can become annoying, people can also spend less time enjoying their spouses in the bedroom. I think if you focus on these three in particular and make your love intentional you won't experience the itch ever.
How can you keep your marriage alive after the three year mark?
We have hobbies. We spend some time apart, alone time. Sometimes I'll go out to paint night with friends, or he'll go to dinner with his guy friends and it's a good thing to have that balance. You need to be you as a individual, not just a couple.
How has parenting effected your marriage and why did you wait to have kids?
Parenting is hard work! And that's whether you have one, two or more! Eric and I waited to have kids because we wanted that special alone time for just the two of us. Starting to live with someone and learn all their quirks and habits can be difficult no matter how long you've dated prior. Adding a child into the mix can and will increase the difficulties. For some it works to have children right away but for us, we're glad we waited. We needed those almost three years to ourselves to learn each other, have special "us" time, grow as a couple and really appreciate our relationship before adding littles.
If I'm being 100% open and honest we argue more now than we ever did before we had kids. And what's because we each have our own parenting styles, what works for me doesn't work for him and vise versa. There definitely can be more miscommunication. I almost feel like you have to work HARDER at your marriage when you have littles because it's not just about you two any more, you've added one life (or more) to the family. My advice, just be nice when you ask when's the last time she ate? or if you move the diapers...put them back where they go =D
Is marriage easier or harder now?
I don't know if marriage ever becomes "easy." I think you have to choose to love that person each day regardless of everything else that's going on. I know Eric better now than ever before and that can make things easier but each day brings new challenges. One of those challenges is kids, how do you raise, their healthcare, where to live and raise them, etc. Looking back at year one when we were newly weds though I would say it's definitely harder with the twins. Trying to learn them and trying to learn to be parents at the same time.
Will you have more kids?
Normally I hate this question and just wouldn't answer it but since I mentioned infertility I feel like it's a good time to address it. We don't know if we'll have more kids. It took a lot for us to get the two we have, and even then we never knew if we would have ANY kids. God is the ultimate designer of life, I don't know what he has in store for us. Would we like more? Sure! But CAN we have more and is that even possible in our situation? Not sure, God really is the only one with those answers....Ask Him :)
What's next for you guys?
Healing these legs is what's next one my list! But in terms of us and the future, we would like to move to Texas. Not sure how soon that will likely happen but we're ready to get out of this expensive state. That along with buying our own home and a career change for one of us...stay tuned!
Marriage Questions Year One
Marriage Questions Year Two
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