Do not stock pile diapers. I know lots of new moms like to stock up on diapers before baby is born especially through baby showers but for us, I’m so glad we didn’t. We received a few boxes which was great because you need SOME to start out with, but I’ve seen some folks stock pile 20+ boxes of diapers. Now there’s two things I see that could go wrong with this. 1. You do not know how that brand of diaper will fit on your child. Pampers Snugglers worked the very best for us. The diapers are made bigger, so a Pampers number 2 is larger than a Luvs number 2. They curved around the girls legs much better and was tight but not too tight in the back. I found that other brands if not pulled tight in the back would leak but then would leave marks on my baby because they were too tight. Which leads me to my second though that 2. Some brands just make better diapers. We took a trip out to Albuquerque when the girls were just two months old and out of desperation we bought a package of cheap...
Surviving life with twin girls. Learn with me the tips and tricks of keeping it all together when it feels like it is all falling apart. During our adventure we'll explore Crafts, New Recipes, Life as a Working Mom, and of course the trial and errors with the twins.