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Showing posts from August, 2018

10 Things I Have Learned as a New Mom

Do not stock pile diapers. I know lots of new moms like to stock up on diapers before baby is born especially through baby showers but for us, I’m so glad we didn’t. We received a few boxes which was great because you need SOME to start out with, but I’ve seen some folks stock pile 20+ boxes of diapers. Now there’s two things I see that could go wrong with this. 1. You do not know how that brand of diaper will fit on your child. Pampers Snugglers worked the very best for us. The diapers are made bigger, so a Pampers number 2 is larger than a Luvs number 2. They curved around the girls legs much better and was tight but not too tight in the back. I found that other brands if not pulled tight in the back would leak but then would leave marks on my baby because they were too tight. Which leads me to my second though that 2. Some brands just make better diapers. We took a trip out to Albuquerque when the girls were just two months old and out of desperation we bought a package of cheap...

Motherhood in Christianity

So many aspects of my life have changed since entering the world of Motherhood. You know that you become last, kids needs always trump your needs, sleep deprivation is a real thing and you’ll never have a warm meal again (totally kidding of course…😐). Before kids I had no problem with getting up early to do my devotions and staying up late to write out some prayers. Now I barely have time to eat let alone anything else. So how do you keep your relationship with the Lord alive? Well I personally had to learn that my “quiet moments” with the Lord weren’t always so quiet . Sometimes it meant doing my lessons or devotions in the middle of a busy room, and other times during the middle of the night while the kids were asleep. My quiet moments were no longer schedule because the minute I say “I am going to sit down and do my Bible Study right now” is the exact moment when the twins have other plans for me. Maybe someone just had a blow out and need changing, or someone has an upset tu...

Day Schedule & Night Time Routine

Ok guys, let’s talk about baby routines! I’ve heard it all before, “Jackie you can’t tell a baby when to eat, when to sleep, when to poop, etc.” or people have asked “Is it really true you have your babies on a schedule?” The answer is yes I do, and yes it’s possible and you can too! The first few weeks home with the girls I was so lost as a new mom. I basically took each day as they came, moment by moment and was in total survival mode. I remember thinking does this last forever? Is it going to be this hard for forever? And no, of course not it was just super hard at the time, in the moment. When my grandmother passed back in May of this year, we took our 2 month old twins down to Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was there that I realized I can’t keep going on like this, my kids can’t keep going on like this. They were tired and cranky and I felt like we were just struggling. When we got back home I decided we needed some structure. I’m a very organized person to begin with. I lite...

10 Helpful Hints To Get Your Baby To Sleep

You baby might experience Day/Night Confusion when they are born. Experts think this is because while they were in the womb they were rocked to sleep by your movements during the day and restless because you were not moving during the nights. Another reason is because simply they do not know they need to be up during “day’ or sleep during the “night” and they do not have an internal body clock yet. While there is no “quick fix” to this there are some things you can do to teach your baby the difference between day and night. During the brief periods your baby is awake during the day make sure they are exposed to light/sunlight . Light is one of the primary things that helps set our internal clocks. Nap time should be in the same place as bed time. Babies will learn quickly that when placed in their crib that it means it’s time to go to sleep. Keep room well lit. If you want your baby to learn when it is daylight you’ll need to keep baby’s room light even while they nap. ...

Nursing Aversion / Agitation

Breastfeeding has been a hard and long road for us and we’re only four months in. If you read my Twin Birth Story you’ll know that we had trouble with breastfeeding from the very start. There are so many things I wish I could go back and change, but alas – I know I cannot. For a quick reminder, I was so sick when I woke up from my C-Section surgery, I did not get a spinal and I was completely knocked out. I was sick and frozen from the anesthesia and so out of it for the remainder of that day that my babies got bottles for their first feeds and when we tried to nurse for the first time it was disastrous. They were so little they couldn’t figure out how to latch and stay latched, so we had a lactation consultant come in and help and she gave us great advice and encouraged us to keep trying, that it might take a few days to a few weeks for them to really get the hang of it, but not to give up. She was great. Now, I did not leak or have any milk prior to my C-Section so my body didn’t...