So many
aspects of my life have changed since entering the world of Motherhood. You
know that you become last, kids needs always trump your needs, sleep deprivation
is a real thing and you’ll never have a warm meal again (totally kidding of course…😐).
kids I had no problem with getting up early to do my devotions and staying up
late to write out some prayers. Now I barely have time to eat let alone
anything else. So how do you keep your relationship with the Lord alive? Well I
personally had to learn that my “quiet moments” with the Lord weren’t always so
quiet. Sometimes it meant doing my lessons or devotions in the middle of a busy
room, and other times during the middle of the night while the kids were asleep.
My quiet moments were no longer schedule because the minute I say “I am going
to sit down and do my Bible Study right now” is the exact moment when the twins
have other plans for me. Maybe someone just had a blow out and need changing,
or someone has an upset tummy and needs some extra cuddles. It wasn’t that the
thing taking me away from time with the Lord was bad but it was still taking me
away from time with the Lord.
I started
taking advantage of each alone moment I got and sometimes that meant only five
minutes which that meant it could take me four or five days to complete one
lesson but that’s okay. I’ve learned that I need to give myself some grace
during these early months and even years. It’s not like it was before kids and
it won’t be the same ever again. I just have to evolve with the changing times
and know that right now 5 – 10 minutes a day might be the only quiet time I
This has
made my prayer life so much stronger though. Before I could spend hours Bible journaling or highlighting verses in my bible or writing out favorite scripture
but now as I find I have less time to do those things, I have more time to be
able to pray. I can pray all the time, anywhere I am and during whatever I’m
doing. I can pray during diaper changes, and feeding sessions. I can have a
fussy baby on my lap and still have talks with the Lord – and I do! “Lord,
please help calm this baby!” But truly, to be able to pray for your child as
you hold and snuggle them is one of the greatest things I’ve ever been able to
The final
thing I’ve learned through stepping into motherhood is how much I love the
nursery on Sundays. Because opening a physical Bible has become less I crave
that opportunity and spiritual food. God bless those nursery workers who watch
my children so I can be fed. From the very beginning I knew Reasons why I put
my children in the nursery and not have them in the auditorium with me are;
one, because I knew I would be distracted by them. Whether it was just gawking
at how cute they are or attending to their cries I knew I wouldn’t be able to
pay attention to the pastor and what he was preaching. Two, I knew I was going
to be a distraction to someone else if I was getting up with them or their
cries were disruptive. It’s very obnoxious to see someone get up and down
continually during the service; I didn’t want to be one of them. And three, I’m
one of them who believe in classes for appropriate ages. I’ve really come to
love this special time with the Lord and other believers. Once the hour is up,
I’ll be with the kids again.
The most
important thing is to find what works for you and your schedule. Sometimes it’s
reading your Bible to the kiddos and other times it waiting until everyone is
in bed and letting your heart out to the Lord. However you can do it now, just
know that it is a forever changing experience and what works now won’t always
but to keep evolving as time with the Lord is so precious and really we can’t
do motherhood without Him.
Update: August 13, 2018
Since going back to work I pump for my little ones now, every two hours. Within those two hours I find that I am able to get my Bible Study and daily devotions done. People often ask if it's been hard going back to work and honestly it hasn't. Do I miss my kids? Of course I do! But I know they are safe with my mom watching them, I get some adult interaction and conversations, and I'm able to spend more time reading my Bible while I pump. Surprisingly I think going back to work has helped with my anxiety and what I think was the start of Postpartum Depression.
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