Four weeks postpartum and I'm feeling pretty good. Thought I would just share some thoughts I had about pregnancy and then life as a new mom. Let's start with the WORST parts of pregnancy. You carry around a watermelon EVERYWHERE Sex with a watermelon isn't easy Need to go to the bathroom every 2 hours (sometimes more often) Stretch marks and discolorations Morning Sickness Feet Swelling Hormones Pregnancy brain (forgetfulness) Can't roll over or bend over Round ligament pain People touch your belly (I HATED this one) The last trimester is just uncomfortable all around Babies get hiccups Hemorrhoids The BEST parts of pregnancy It's the best secret ever until you're ready to tell people Feeling the babies move around Carrying life is something truly special People are often extra nice to you I loved watching my belly grow and documenting it with the weekly pictures You get to buy baby clothes!! I loved preparing the nursery and...
Surviving life with twin girls. Learn with me the tips and tricks of keeping it all together when it feels like it is all falling apart. During our adventure we'll explore Crafts, New Recipes, Life as a Working Mom, and of course the trial and errors with the twins.