If you're like me you're probably extremely busy with life. I wake up at 4:45am go to the gym. 7:30a - 5:30p Work. 6pm Dinner. Run Errands. Spend time with my hubby and before I know it it's time to get ready for bed.
I used to read my bible daily and now I'm sorry to say that has fallen to the way side. This year I made a new year resolution that I was going to start reading again. An easy way for me to start doing this is I bought a little devotional book called The Bible in 366 Days For Women.
It covers a variety of topics from peace and love to the awesomeness of God. Each day starts out with a small devotion at the top and then Bible verses to follow and support the text. Each daily reading is only a page so it doesn't take very long to read it.
I wouldn't suggest this be your only form of Bible reading but it definitely helped me get back on track. It my get tiresome to hear this but it's so true, be in God's word every day and pray! You will hear God speak to you. So grab your favorite drink, light some candles, sit back, relax and enjoy your alone time with God.
I used to read my bible daily and now I'm sorry to say that has fallen to the way side. This year I made a new year resolution that I was going to start reading again. An easy way for me to start doing this is I bought a little devotional book called The Bible in 366 Days For Women.
It covers a variety of topics from peace and love to the awesomeness of God. Each day starts out with a small devotion at the top and then Bible verses to follow and support the text. Each daily reading is only a page so it doesn't take very long to read it.
I wouldn't suggest this be your only form of Bible reading but it definitely helped me get back on track. It my get tiresome to hear this but it's so true, be in God's word every day and pray! You will hear God speak to you. So grab your favorite drink, light some candles, sit back, relax and enjoy your alone time with God.
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