My husband was in a car accident yesterday. Nothing big, his car received a puncture wound in the front bumper and a bent license plate, the truck he hit had a broken bracket in his bumper, but it was my husband's fault.
Anyone who knows me knows I hate cars. They are convenient when they work but a pain when they don't and with my experience they more often than not, don't work. I hate car issues, I hate that EVERYTHING costs so much money - what are we really paying for here? I hate that their value only goes down after purchase and I could go on and on about how much I hate cars and all the problems they have.
When my husband texted me yesterday to tell me he had been in an accident I didn't respond. Mostly because I knew it wouldn't have been a very good reaction. I wanted to be angry. I wanted to put blame and say well why were you not paying attention? Haven't I told you to slow down and take notice? Why do YOU always have traffic violations? But I prayed and asked God to calm my emotions and my anger and not let this situation get the best of me, because remember in my last post I'm trying to work on being a better wife to my husband and not exploding the first chance I get is an attitude I need to work on.
So I don't respond, allowing myself to cool down before Eric walks in the door. When he comes home I go to him and say "okay, what happened?" He proceeds to tell me the story, saying it was his fault, he thought the guy in front of him had made the right hand turn and so when Eric thought he was clear to make his turn he hit the back of the truck who obviously had not made his turn. I asked if a police report was filed? Yes. The other guy is going to get an estimate etc. but it wasn't bad. I ended the conversation with "okay."
There. I hadn't exploded. I hadn't belittled my husband telling him "what's wrong with you...blah blah blah, money, blah blah blah." I had done good. Or so I thought...
You see, I had forgotten the most important question, "are you okay?" Eric was upset that I hadn't asked if he was ok, or said anything like "I'm glad you're not hurt." To be honest I didn't even think to ask, because in my head he was home, not at the hospital. I didn't receive a call saying he had been hurt, he had told me himself what had happened. He was home, of course I was thankful, but I forgot to say so.
This is my reminder that no matter how much you think you know someone, you don't. I don't care if you have been with your significant other for 50+ years, there's always something to learn. I learned yesterday that I need to tell my husband that I care that he's ok. I need to show my love for him through my words not just by my actions. I need to reassure him that I care about his well-being and love him. My husband is by no means needy. He's definitely a manly-man but I can't forget to show him my love too.
I am thankful for this lesson, while it was a rough patch to go through yesterday it has been a blessing in disguise. I look forward to using this new found knowledge about my hubby and continuing to practice showing my love for him through the words I choose to speak TO him.
Go let YOUR love multiply!
Anyone who knows me knows I hate cars. They are convenient when they work but a pain when they don't and with my experience they more often than not, don't work. I hate car issues, I hate that EVERYTHING costs so much money - what are we really paying for here? I hate that their value only goes down after purchase and I could go on and on about how much I hate cars and all the problems they have.
When my husband texted me yesterday to tell me he had been in an accident I didn't respond. Mostly because I knew it wouldn't have been a very good reaction. I wanted to be angry. I wanted to put blame and say well why were you not paying attention? Haven't I told you to slow down and take notice? Why do YOU always have traffic violations? But I prayed and asked God to calm my emotions and my anger and not let this situation get the best of me, because remember in my last post I'm trying to work on being a better wife to my husband and not exploding the first chance I get is an attitude I need to work on.
So I don't respond, allowing myself to cool down before Eric walks in the door. When he comes home I go to him and say "okay, what happened?" He proceeds to tell me the story, saying it was his fault, he thought the guy in front of him had made the right hand turn and so when Eric thought he was clear to make his turn he hit the back of the truck who obviously had not made his turn. I asked if a police report was filed? Yes. The other guy is going to get an estimate etc. but it wasn't bad. I ended the conversation with "okay."
There. I hadn't exploded. I hadn't belittled my husband telling him "what's wrong with you...blah blah blah, money, blah blah blah." I had done good. Or so I thought...
You see, I had forgotten the most important question, "are you okay?" Eric was upset that I hadn't asked if he was ok, or said anything like "I'm glad you're not hurt." To be honest I didn't even think to ask, because in my head he was home, not at the hospital. I didn't receive a call saying he had been hurt, he had told me himself what had happened. He was home, of course I was thankful, but I forgot to say so.
This is my reminder that no matter how much you think you know someone, you don't. I don't care if you have been with your significant other for 50+ years, there's always something to learn. I learned yesterday that I need to tell my husband that I care that he's ok. I need to show my love for him through my words not just by my actions. I need to reassure him that I care about his well-being and love him. My husband is by no means needy. He's definitely a manly-man but I can't forget to show him my love too.
I am thankful for this lesson, while it was a rough patch to go through yesterday it has been a blessing in disguise. I look forward to using this new found knowledge about my hubby and continuing to practice showing my love for him through the words I choose to speak TO him.
Go let YOUR love multiply!
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