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October 10, 2017 - Scariest Day In My Life - So Far...With This Pregnancy

This has been the scariest weekend of my life. This past Saturday I was coordinating a wedding, it was beautiful and aside from the rainy, windy and cold weather it went great, but I was on my feet for 14+ hours. I took breaks when I needed and at the time only one of my feet were acting up and so standing was a little easier back then. At the end of the night, when everything was cleaned up and we were on our way back home I was in so much pain (feet/legs) and so tired that I asked Eric to drive. If you know anything about me you would know that almost never happens. I prefer to drive but I just physically could not do it that night. When we got home I left everything in the car and went straight to bed, it was just past 1:00am.

That night I couldn’t sleep. I felt like I was having a panic attack. My heart was racing, I was wearing my fitbit at the time and it said 130 heart-rate. I was cold and clammy. My back felt like it was on fire. My nose was running and I couldn’t stop sneezing. Something is seriously wrong with me I thought, and then I started to shake. Kind of like when it’s cold outside and you get the chills that you just can’t get rid of. I ended up getting up, drinking lots of water and going to the room we have set up as the nursery to sleep in there where we have an extra bed. I didn’t want to wake up my husband. It didn’t work though, he noticed I was gone and came to check on me. I told him I was miserable and that I felt like something was wrong but didn’t know what. I’ve never had a panic attack like that before. He got me the heating pad for my back, made sure I was comfortable enough before returning back to our room and I was able to calm down enough to fall back asleep.
When I woke up the next morning (Sunday) I felt calm but still not right. My throat was now on fire. My family has a whole history with strep throat from my sister being a carrier to my little brother ending up in the hospital because it went undetected so I decided to skip church and go to Urgent Care and get checked out. I don’t want to be really sick, not know it and something happen to the babies…When I got up and went to the bathroom a new horror started. *WARNING* Girl TMI – There was a little bit of blood. It was brown telling me it was old and not a current bleed. Okay, okay – I kept telling myself. Bleeding in twin pregnancy is quite normal. But it didn’t help me much. At this point I have never had any kind of bleeding or spotting during this pregnancy. Not even implantation bleeding so needless to say I start freaking out. This blood comes and goes each time I use the restroom.

I make it to Urgent Care – they check me for Strep and other throat issues, and it comes back negative. Doc says she’s sorry but I’m just going to have to suffer through this what looks to be a cold because no over the counter meds are safe enough to take during pregnancy. I’m okay with that. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t have strep, but now my bleeding becomes bright red…telling me this IS a current bleed.

I tell my mom everything and ask her what I should do? Should I go to the ER and get checked out?? She says because it’s coming and going, and because you were on your feet all day yesterday I think you just need to get in bed and rest and see how everything is in the morning. Call your OB and schedule an appointment with them. Because mom is a wise woman, I did just that. I went straight to bed and relaxed, or tried to, for the rest of the day. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t cry because oh man I cried. I prayed that my littles would be ok and that this bleeding was just from the cervix or something like that being irritated. That this blood was NOT coming from inside the uterus. I called my boss Sunday night and told him I needed to take a personal day for Monday. He’s a great boss and has known about our journey since the beginning so he wished us well and to keep him updated.

Monday morning came and I called my OB right away when they opened. I told the nurse everything that had happened during the weekend and she reaffirmed that she thought it was just some cervical bleeding and that everything was going to be okay but if I wanted she could schedule me an emergence ultrasound if that would make me feel better. I told her yes please! She unfortunately wasn’t able to get me into their office to do it but gave me a number to the diagnostic imaging centers around my area to call. I called the number and spoke with the girl she asked what location I wanted to be at and I said well I don’t know what locations you have, do you have a Naperville location? She says yes, but the earliest she can get me in there is FRIDAY! I said I can’t wait that long it needs to be either today or tomorrow morning. So we looked at the Lisle center and they had an open appointment for Monday night at 8pm. I said I’ll take it!

Eric got home about 6:00pm and we both made our way out to the doctors at 7:30pm. I was so glad he was coming with me because I’m not sure if I could handle bad news by myself. We arrived and the directions the girl on the phone gave me were to go up to the third floor and it was suite 310. We make our way up but there’s no one in the office. It was unlocked so we were waiting in the waiting room but no one came through. I started looking around for a number to call to get someone to come up to the front but there wasn’t even a business card out! After about 10 minutes of waiting I finally just went into the back and found some cleaning people and asked “are there any nurses or doctors here??” The cleaning lady tells me no, what are you here for? I tell her for an ultrasound and she says OH….You want to be downstairs! I said oh, I was told it was this suite on the phone and she says no it’s downstairs I don’t know what suite but ask the receptionist at the front desk. So we go down to the 2nd floor where the receptionist is supposed to sit but guess what, no receptionist. I found a suite with someone in it and knocked on the door. Told her I was looking for the imaging center and she says oh, you need to go down one more floor and it’s the first door on the right. I thanked her and we went down one more floor. We’re now 10 minutes late to our appointment that we were 10 minutes early to!

We finally make it to the correct location and sign in. Luckily they’re running a little behind and my name hadn’t been called yet. When my name does get called my heart starts pounding. I say this is it… We go back into the ultrasound room with the tech. She informs us that she is just a tech and will not be able to tell us a diagnosis that we’re going to have to get that information from our doctor. I’ve had enough ultrasounds and my first Dr. was amazing enough to explain every little detail, what was good, what was bad, what we need to be looking for…so I didn’t need her to tell me anything, I could see it for myself.

Right there on the screen were my little babies. Each one moving around. I said in my heart, Thank God. They’re both moving. The tech proceeded to measure each one and each one measured right on track for how many weeks I am. She said “I’m not able to tell what their genders are yet.” I said I didn’t care I’m just glad to see them doing ok and measuring on track. She tracked their heartbeats and both were over 150, another great sign. And then B started kicking at A (haha!) Eric was recording it and we got reprimanded by the tech. She told us that pictures and videos were prohibited. I said but these are our babies and our diagnosis… She said I know but those are the center’s rules. I thought that was ridiculous but whatever, again I was just happy to see them. The Tech was able to tell me that she couldn’t see bleeding in the uterus that it could have come from an irritated cervix or one of the placentas being close to the cervix. I sighed a huge relief. By this time at night my bleeding has completely stopped and with her saying there wasn’t any bleeding actually in the uterus I once again could breathe.

I’ve never been so scared in my life. People all the time try to reassure me that bleeding during pregnancy is normal and especially in twin pregnancy but that doesn’t stop the worrying! I’ve promised myself to not over-work myself like that again within the next 6 months. It’s just not worth it. These babies are my life. I would give anything for them, and I can’t risk another scare like that. I’m already worried what the last few months of this pregnancy are going to be like, I don’t need to add to that.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we make our way through this pregnancy. It is absolutely nothing like a singleton pregnancy. There are SO many factors and complications that arise that singleton mom’s don’t even think about. And I’m GLAD they don’t have to think about it because it’s enough to make you worry sick! I would love all the prayers for a healthy pregnancy and two beautifully healthy babies! Yep, I’m gonna be selfish and say that.


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