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Showing posts from February, 2018

Nursery Sneak Peek

We’re still organizing the nursery so I didn't take full pictures of the room but here's a few sneak peek photos of what we have set up so far. Our room isn't really "themed" but it's painted mint and grey and so we kept those colors in mind went we bought accessories.   This is the girls' closet. We were so blessed to have friends and family give us hand me downs on top of all the new clothing items we received from the baby showers. They have more than enough, I just hope I'm able to take pictures of them in everything before they outgrow them!!   This is their changing table (before)  When we had our showers we just put everything up and out of the way but then I realized we needed to get a system going in here so we bought small baskets from the dollar store and were able to organize the little stuff. I actually love the way it came together (and after) Top is their changing pad - cover is from Babies R Us "woodland" them

Baby Update

I took a long time to write this post mostly because I know there will be questions from here on out, but I also know family and friends would want to know what’s been going on. February 13 th was our 32 week ultrasound. We were able to see Baby A’s face for the first time this whole pregnancy and it made me smile. As far as who she looks like…I have no idea. She looks like a baby and I can’t tell haha. I am really hoping one of them gets Eric’s beautiful blue eyes though and mostly curious to see how similar or how different these girls are going to be from one another. They both looked great, still head down but were measuring in the 30 th percentile. Last checkup they were in the 50 th so they both dropped a little bit. The doctor was not concerned about it saying twins do end up running smaller the longer they cook and we would just keep an eye on them. He even told me I make “good babies” so I’m not going to worry about it unless there comes a time to worry. February

What is a Husband??

What is a husband? According to Google a husband is “a married man considered in relation to his spouse.” Some synonyms are spouse, partner, mate, consort, man, helpmate, etc. My husband is so much more than those words. Is he all those words mentioned; spouse, partner, mate, helpmate? Yes, of course! But to me he is my hero. I haven’t officially been diagnosed with Transient Migratory Osteoporosis as the testing I need to have done to confirm it cannot be completed until after delivery of the babies; however, I’m strongly confident that this condition is what I have. If you’ve read my previous blogs you’ll noticed I’ve mentioned it before and talked a little about what it is and somewhat of how it effects the body, but this blog isn’t about that today. No, it’s about my husband. I always knew my husband was a good man. He has a kind heart. He often thinks about other people’s problems and how to solve them before his own. He prays daily for those he knows in need. He is a