So...I often get asked how do I stay so organized? I got it a lot when I was planning my own wedding and now I get it even more as I deal with stuff going on in my own life, plus my full time job and helping friends with their weddings. Well part of it is just because that's the type of person I am. I'm just organized, BUT I stay organized with my Erin Condren Life Planner. My friend Ann turned me on to these about a year ago at my Bridal Shower. She kept telling me how much she loved hers so I ended up checking them out and ordering my own. It's not for the faint of heart, they are a bit pricey. They start at $50 and go up from there depending on the design you pick. I've added some pictures of my new one, I just got it a few weeks ago so I'm still filling most of it out. But if you're the type of person who likes lists, and planners go check them out, click HERE. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do, even if you're not interested in my planner or owning a planner drop down to my last paragraph and look to see what else Erin Condren can do for you.
This is what the overview of each month looks like. Here you can jot down quick notes and reminders. I like to put birthdays, anniversaries, appointments and quick reminders such as "schedule time with Celeste" on the note column on the side. That especially comes in handy when I know I need to get something done that month but not sure what day is going to work for me.
It comes with a mini calendar so you can quick reference a holiday, birthday, anniversary or any other special day you want to remember. There is a section for passwords and important contact information.
This is the front cover of my planner. I chose this one because I felt like my faith was being tested recently just with everything Eric and I have going on in our lives and I decided that no matter what I was going to trust God through our circumstances. There IS Sunshine in my Soul because I'm fully leaning on God and I know his plan will work out for our good. I also decided to add my full name on here. Now this is customizable so you can add your name, your family's name, or anything you want. It's your planner! Another feature this planner offers is that these covers are removable so if in 3 months you're tired of the same ol cover you can go back online and order yourself a new cover without having to buy the whole planner again.
These next three photos are the first few pages of the 2016 planner. I love that it gives you an overview of 2015 and 2016. There is an option to buy a 15 month calendar but I choose to do the 12. I get bored with designs easily and I'm always anticipated the next thing so I like to do the January - December calendars so I have something to look forward to and it's like a mini Christmas gift to myself.
A new feature they added this year is the goal pages. I love that they added this section because last year I had to add my own. I ended printing it out on regular computer paper, laminating it and using one of their sticky inserts to get it to stay in the planner. Loving the fact that I can just write them down on TWO pages dedicated to it now.
Every month has an inspirational quote on it. This is January's.
Another great thing about this planner is that this year they gave you the option of what you wanted your daily pages to look like. Last year it only came one way and it was split up into morning, noon and night columns per day. I don't like that option. I dealt with it for a year and it was fine but often times my notes were more for all days things and it was just a pain in the butt that I couldn't just write everything down without having "afternoon" in my way. So this year I choose the full column day. There is an extra space on the right hand side to add additional notes but I LOVE this design way more than the column idea.
I did have to look it up, there are three options this year for you to choose from, mine is called the horizontal weekly layout. But they also have hourly weekly layout and vertical weekly layout. No worries, you can check everything out before you order and get an idea and feel for each section.
There are a TON of pages to take quick notes, doodles, scribbles. Anything that you want! There is also an overview of 2017.
There is also a ton of birthday stickers (I used most of mine already) appointment stickers, and blank stickers to add your own sayings! I love to use these on the monthly overviews.
And last but definitely not least there is a pouch in the back of the planner for you to store all kinds of goodies in. I like to keep papers I reference every day back here. The picture is how it came to me, I got little goodies from Erin Condren. A couple invite of friend cards, preview of new stickers, encouragement cards etc.
I can honestly say having a planner has helped me stay that much more organized. I started off with little cheap ones from the dollar store but now that I've upgraded I feel professional and my ability to reference something quick and fast has definitely improved since buying my Life Planner. I definitely recommend one or at least checking them out and seeing if they have something else that will work for you. They sell stickers, so even if you don't buy a planner you can benefit from the sticker options. They also have wedding planners, notebooks, journals, teacher lesson planners, address books, phone cases, photo options, stationary, office supplies, calendars....the list goes on and on. Hope this sparked your interest and you decide to go check them out. I think the next thing on my list is to check out their family options. Until next time! XOXOXO
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