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August 14, 2017 - Morning Sickness In Full Swing

I am currently 6 weeks and 1 day today and let me tell you I’m on the struggle bus this morning. I’ve had the morning sickness for 6 days straight now and it’s not just in the mornings. No, it’s ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT LONG. I feel like I’m walking around with the stomach flu. Luckily I’ve only actually thrown up twice and it was while at home and at night. I haven’t found the perfect remedy to get rid of my nausea but I’ve found that peppermints and freeze pops take the edge off. I’m trying to stuff down crackers because everyone tells me how much they help but I have a hard time with them because I hate the way they taste. I bought preggie pops on Amazon and they should arrive today. I really hope those pops work because it’s becoming hard to focus and get my work done when I feel like I have to make a bathroom trip every 30 minutes. Not to mention my co-workers probably think I’m crazy.

Other symptoms I’m having include pregnancy brain (mind fog), heightened sense of smell, food aversions, fatigue, insomnia and congestion. I wish I only had to deal with the morning sickness right now because I’m tired all the time. ALL THE TIME. And I know my body is busy growing a baby and actually I love the excuse to take a nap and sleep around on the sofa all day on the weekends; however, with the fatigue I also have the insomnia. I feel like I’m going mad. When my head finally hits the pillow I expect it to be like it’s always been and fall sleep within minutes but no, I’m all of a sudden wide awake. When I do get lucky enough to fall asleep I have vivid dreams, most include people dying so of course that wakes me up! Then the routine starts again. Get up, go to the bathroom, come back to bed without running into anything, crawl into bed, spend 30 minutes trying to get comfortable again and lay awake for the next hour and a half until sleep finally comes again. This happens about 3 times a night which is why I’ve been going to bed around 8pm. Now that I’m pregnant I’ve found it uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach, something that I use to do all the time. I also don’t like sleeping on my sides as my breasts are extremely tender right now and just the falling motion to one side is enough to make them hurt. Most nights I prop myself up on some pillows, and put an extra pillow under my left knee. This seems to be the most comfortable position at the moment.

My friend just asked me this morning if I had any food cravings yet. The answer is absolutely not! When I think about food, it makes me want to throw up. I’m going to try to type the next part without having to run to the bathroom… Last week I noticed some foods started sounding better than others. Fried, greasy foods started to make my stomach turn so I stuck with my grilled chicken and haven’t really had an issue there. One day though last week at work, I had a left over buffalo chicken salad (just the thought of it now is grossing me out!). It was good, the first day. But when I opened the fridge to get it out to eat it the 2nd day I almost lost it right there in the work kitchen. Mind you there was nothing wrong with the salad or the buffalo chicken. I just couldn’t stand the smell any more. My food aversions went from just salads to all things veggies. I made dinner for my family on Saturday night and was fine until I went to cook the green beans. I just couldn’t do it. I finally told everyone if they wanted them, they would have to cook them themselves. It’s Monday and I still have these same food aversions. I’m still suffering with morning sickness and I’m not sure what I’m going to do for lunch. I know it’s super important to eat healthy during pregnancy; I just need to find something I can keep down. Can I just tell you I can’t wait for the first 12 weeks to be over!

With all that said I need to say this, I am super grateful for the opportunity to have morning sickness. A year ago I would have given my right arm to be pregnant and now it’s finally happened. While it’s definitely not as glamorous as I had imagined I am beyond thankful for the chance to carry life. My morning sickness reminds me that a little one is dependent on me and they are continuing to grow. I will be thankful each day that I go through these body chances, mood swings, and sleepless nights. I am thankful for this chance to be called mom. 


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